Friday, April 27, 2012

Millraven Finn Izzle: Elf for Hire! Chapter Three

The story thus far:
 After dealing with some administrative difficulties Millraven Finn Izzle was allowed into the city of Commodore’s Crossing. She had originally been hired by the city’s council of ministry to retrieve an artifact called the Blue Streak of Commodore Cramden.  However, as soon as she set foot into the city the bag that contained all her important documents and coin was pickpocketed. After a wild chase around the city and the eventual capture of the thief the young elf who is also an Elf is suddenly asked to hear out the story of a group opposed to the council of ministry getting their hands on what they claim is a powerful artifact that holds sway over language itself…
“Explain this to me and be quick about it.” Millraven Finn Izzle said with a smirk etched into her beautiful, exotic elven features, “I don’t find your methods of persuasion to be quite to my tastes and it isn’t too late to have the lot of you arrested for conspiring against the city.”
There were 5 people standing in front of her in the ramshackle building she’d been lead to and each made her nervous in a different way.  The first, standing in the middle and taking an obvious role as the mouthpiece of the group was an elven wizard. He stood tall, and projected an aura of calm, natural superiority. His flowing, waist length hair resembled a water-fall of gold and his piercing dusk blue eyes surveyed everything as if it were a possession of his own.  Despite his wizardly robes it was obvious that some of his time was spent maintaining his physique and though Millraven could tell that their personalities would clash, some small part of her would not have minded a painting of him wearing naught but a loin-cloth and reclining on a mound of ice-cream.
Next to the spokesperson was a woman of equal gorgeousness. Tall, leggy and buxom she shined with a different look from the cultured elf. Hers was the strength and beauty of sun-drenched fields and a body thoughtlessly and effortlessly maintained by wrestling the bounty from the earth rather than by the careful planning and sculpture of her fellow. She wore a suit of farmer’s clothes, designed for comfort and ease of movement rather than for style, though the material used to make them was obviously not one the average farmer could afford. She had a thick spill of hair the color of rich, fertile soil and eyes green as new hay.  She stood on the spokesperson’s right and smiled at Millraven over her freckles.
To the spokesperson’s left stood Brand Anlace, the Halfling thief they’d sent to distract Millraven as they gathered and prepared to make their pitch to her. It was a big risk to gather them all like this, but the Halfling was a born risk taker. He leaned casually against the wall to the left of the spokesperson and smiled cheekily at Millraven and though she’d never felt desire for any creature other than a fellow elf she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. For someone literally half her height he too was handsome in his own way. The hair on his head was thick, lustrous and fluffy and his hazel eyes twinkled with amusement. He was dressed from head to toe in black, brown, and grey, alternating patterns of cloth that would be much more effective for stealth than just solid black.   He looked like he could steal the world and the world would never notice.  There were two others in the room, but outside of being older and wearing the fashions preferred by petite nobility they stayed to the back of the room in the shadows. They were obviously the financial backers of the group and none too eager to let their identities be known just in case this gambit failed and Millraven did go to the guard.  This put Millraven just the slightest bit more on edge. Silent money tended to go to revolutionaries, and Millraven was no revolutionary. She was a mercenary, which meant her motivation was coin, not causes.  
“I suppose introductions are in order”, the handsome elf began, “My name is Silas Vann Grigg, to my right is Merrybelle Cornflower, and to my left, Brand Anlace whom I believe you’ve already met.” He followed this with a dry chuckle and then continued on, “We’ll call the others Lord and Lady Anonymous. We represent a group of persons who wish to keep the Blue Streak out of the Ministry’s hands “.  Millraven nodded, “So I’ve been told, but no-one had told me why, yet.” Silas nodded and answered with, “I’m sure you saw the signs posted all through the town on your walk here.” Millraven had and nodded her agreement. There were signs hanging all through the town reminding citizens to basically, keep a civil tongue in their head and to not openly criticize the count that ruled this portion of the land. “I did, they seemed kind of foolish and nearly impossible to enforce to me.” 
The woman next to the Silas, Merrybelle nodded and spoke now “and they are, for now. What if I told you that ‘twas possible to stop people from sayin’ stuff ya’ll don’t agree with?” Millraven considered this for a second, “First off I’d call Bullshit. Secondly I’d hate it. Disagreement and conflict is how I make my bread and butter after all.” Merrybelle nodded, “True. True.” She then held up a small sapphire chip, looking Millraven in the eye, “This here is a piece of th’ Blue Streak. “ She whispered a word that Millraven did not recognize and yet was obviously of the language of magic. The sapphire chip lit up with some inner fire, scintillating stars of blue light filling the room they were hiding in. “Now..Say somethin’ hurtful! Make it about me and as personal as you can.”  Millraven was taken aback and it showed on her face, 
“Okaay.” She said  then took a deep breath, “You inbeep ! Honk! Your Mother was bleep, honk, crash and your father Bleeded the Honkity honk, with bleepity honk honk!” Millraven took a step back, a look of horror on her face, “What the Honk? I-I didn’t mean to say all those Bleeping sound effects!” Silas took over again, giving a winning smile to our heroine. “This is the effect of just one of the hundred thousand chips spread throughout the blue streak. For each one that stands near another they get exponentially more powerful.  Can you imagine the power of one hundred thousand of these? No-one would say a single word you disagree with. Deprived of discourse as a way to deal with our issues the world would see an epic rise in violence and war, there would be no hope for any of the intelligent races. “
 He deactivated the spell after saying this and Millraven shook her head, “Holy Shit.”, she said with a measure of relief.  “You’re saying the council of ministers wants to use the Blue Streak to magically enforce their will over what you can and cannot say?” Brand nodded this time, “That’s exactly what we are saying. If they aren’t stopped the city will become rife with miscommunication and violence. “  Millraven absorbed that fact before she spoke, “So you guys ganked it, right?”, She asked, “And want me to help keep it safe in case they show up?”
“Sorry No.”, Merrybelle spoke up now, “ We don’t got it and we don’t need a guard. “ Millraven felt her spirit sink, “Somebody else got to it before we could…Somebody even worse. Like the council of Ministry, we also ask that you retrieve it for us though the road may be long and dangerous.”  “Of course…”, Millraven thought gloomily.
Which mysterious group now has control over the blue streak? Will Millraven accept the request to retrieve it? How is this new group worse than the Council of Ministry? Find out next week on Millraven Finn Izzle Elf for Hire!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Millraven Finn Izzle: Elf for Hire. Chapter Two

The story thus far:
Millraven Finn Izzle is in the unique position of being one of the last few to carry the occupation of elf, the title by which her hometown calls those with talent in both sword, and sorcery. She is also an Elf by race which tends to confuse those whom she tells about her job.  She recently was allowed entry into the city of Commodore’s crossing where she hopes to take up a lucrative bit of work. Unfortunately as soon as she enters the city she is pickpocketed by a young man who is getting away not only with all her money, but the papers and credentials that allow her to be a free-roaming adventurer.
            Fast, the little shit was fast, agile, and smart. He did not run as much as he dashed from person to person and place to place causing as much chaos and delay as he possibly could in order to slow Millraven down. Tripping an old woman here, pushing an empty pram into a crowd there, and tipping over a midden cart somewhere else. The thief, outside of his seeming feats of strength was keeping far ahead of her but was using no-where near the same amount of energy Millraven was just trying to keep a view of his back. She was already winded and coughing, but not discouraged, not in the slightest.  She felt a strange invigoration running through her, it had more to do with a worthy challenge than it did with adrenaline rushing through her system (Though that did help.) After a week of boring travel it was good to stretch her legs again and each cough and deep breath felt as if she were expelling cob-webs from her body.
            As good as it felt now though, she knew she could not keep it up forever, her stamina was higher than that of a human, but it was not unlimited. She had to do what the thief was doing; she had to think of the best way to bring about the end of this confrontation in her favor. She had to do something unexpected.  She stopped, bent over and rested her elbows on her knees, feigning exhaustion as she took a moment to survey the area, secretly she grinned as her quarry put on an extra burst of speed. It was all working out.
 She had her plan in a twinkling, which is longer than she took to put it into action. In a single fluid motion she drew and strung her bow, nocking an arrow to the string and firing so fast that no eye save those of the gods could have followed it. It sailed, straight and true and with amazing speed and even more amazing damage tore straight through the chains holding a heavy Inn sign up above the street. It came screaming down on her quarry causing him to collapse and become pinned under its weight.
 She walked casually up to the still conscious and struggling pickpocket and knelt, holding her dagger to his throat. He was well, a lot better than most would be in similar situations. She realized why now, he wasn’t a young human, as she’d originally thought, but rather a slim, lithe Halfling. Halflings, despite being literally half the size of their larger cousins the humans were twice as hardy. If it weren’t for the weight of the sign itself he’d have probably shrugged off the damage and kept going.   
She smiled at the little urchin and pushed the slightest edge of her dagger against the skin of his throat, drawing the slightest bead of blood. “Good morning little brother” she began, addressing the Halfling by one of the nicknames of the race, “I believe you have my things, no?” She heard the clink of her coin purse dropping and reached behind her without taking her eyes from her quarry to pick it up. She found it with her fingers, rifled through it and was relieved to find all the contents there. She took a moment to look at him now. He wasn’t richly dressed, but his clothes were nice, new, and clean. His hands and oddly handsome face were clean as well and his hair, both on his head and toes was well groomed and soft.  She made a quick assumption from this information and decided to go with it, “You don’t seem to be the type that has to steal. Why did you grab my purse?” She asked casually locking her eyes on his.
“You’re the elf”, he responded, “You were hired to get back the blue streak, but you were hired by the wrong side! I only meant to stop you from going after the streak until we could talk to you, I swear!” 
“The wrong side?” She asked, “The streak is just a string of words etched into platinum and encrusted with Sapphires. How can there be a ‘wrong’ side looking for it? Explain yourself!”   The Halfling took a deep, painful sounding breath. Millraven wondered idly just how much a cast iron sign weighed.  “Everyone wants to believe it’s just a decoration, but the Blue Streak of Commodore Cramden is a sacred artifact, a literal demonstration of the power of words.  If certain parties get a hold of it and abuse it they’d have the ability to erase certain kinds of words from existence, forever.  This cannot be allowed. Please, come with me; talk with the others in my group. Hear us out and we will let you make your own choice about who to side with, just please, please listen to us.”
Millraven could barely believe what she was hearing, but the desperation in the smaller figure’s voice sounded real and sincere enough.  She was torn for a moment, but then she remembered the parting words of her swordplay instructor. “It is better to regret something you have done, then to die regretting something you have not done.” She stood and pushed the sign off her captor.  “My arrow split the heavy chains that held this sign aloft “she said, “Imagine what they could do to you. Walk in front of me, lead me to the rest of your group and don’t try anything funny, or you’ll find out personally that whatever you may have imagined my arrows can do,  the reality will be much, much worse.”
The Halfling nodded, stood and then swallowed.  He then offered his hand to Millraven, “The name is Brand Anlace. It’s a pleasure.”  Millraven looked at his outstretched hand with a raised eyebrow, “After what you just did to me? Do you really expect me to shake your hand?”  She shook her head at him and he at least had the decency to look embarrassed.  “Old habits”, he explained as he began to lead her and her adventure in a whole new direction.
What revelations will Brand’s group have for Millraven? Were her potential employers really in the wrong as the Halfling had implied? Will Millraven learn the secret of the Blue Streak of Commodore Cramden? Find out in the next Episode of Millraven Finn Izzle: Elf for Hire! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Millraven Finn Izzle: Elf for Hire! Chapter One

Line art by Keeves
The clerk was old. Extremely old. Wizened might have been a good word to describe him ten years ago, but he had long since left just regular wizenedness behind and moved to a new plateau of super-wizened, no doubt complaining about his lumbago during the entire process. He peered up at our heroine through glasses that incorporated more glass than all the windows in the room combined. It was a good thing that the city of Commodore's Crossing, home of the Hightower adventurer’s guild was blanketed in a perpetual, thick cloud of fog, as the consequences of sunlight coming in direct contact with lenses of that type would more than likely be immediate and disastrous to the man’s already failing visual faculties. He probably needed to have clear vision as his hearing was obviously not up to snuff in the slightest.  “Name?” he asked her in a quavering, nervous pigeon kind of voice for the fifth time, “and speak up dearie. I cain’t hear ye if ye keep up wit’ th’  mumblin’ .”
                Our Heroine took a deep breath, and stood in a solid stance, feet firmly planted at shoulder length apart and her hands balled into fists. There would not be a sixth time, “MILLRAVEN FINN IZZLE” she bellowed, putting all of her strength into her voice. This caused the clerk to look shocked for a moment and then to adjust his glasses and take a breath to calm himself. “Now, now dearie there’s no need t’ shout!”  the clerk chided her, “ T’ain’t Deef y’know.”  Millraven shook head, her pretty elven face clouded with anger, and her curly long, black hair feeling as if it were standing on edge.  Long, clever fingers clenched and unclenched as she forced herself in her mind to count to ten. She was wearing a mithral shirt and carried a mithral shield with black breeches and thigh high doe-brown boots. She had a rapier and a dagger belted around her waist and a bow and quiver hung on her back. Silently she reminded herself that a civilized person would not be itching to grab one of those weapons and eviscerate the insufferable octogenarian in front of her. There were times; however that she wished she were a barbarian.
                She had herself under a decent amount of control by the time the codger asked the next question. The question she was really dreading.  She braced herself and took a deep breath, holding it until the old man asked, “Occupation?”  She put on her best stained glass smile, “Elf” she replied.  She hoped  that maybe he was old enough to have heard of it, that maybe he’d caught a legend or was a researcher, or anything other than an ignorant old man that the city guard gave a desk job to so that they wouldn’t have to pay a pension.
              She hoped in vain. “I dinnit ask you yer race dearie. Wassamatta? Maybe y’ is deef.”  She took a shuddering breath and then continued, “No, my hearing is perfectly fine. The big ears help.  In my hometown the first person they ever saw successfully combine swordsmanship and mage craft was an elf.  When they asked him what he was he replied simply that he was an elf, and so until the races began to freely mix they thought elves were anyone who had a talent for both the warrior and the magical arts. The name stuck and so, according to my travel papers I am both an Elf and an elf. Look it up in the town occupation register, it’s there if you go back a century or so. “The old clerk gave a long-suffering sigh and shuffled with the extreme speed of a tortoise in a blizzard to a large book labeled, “Occupational Registry” and struggling to even turn the map scale pages eventually found the entries under, “E”. He scanned the page for a moment and raised a withered eyebrow, “Well, iffen that don’t beat all.” He whispered. He returned to his seat and coughed stamping her travelling papers with a wax seal. “Alright Ms. Millraven Finn Izzle. Welcome to Commodore’s Crossin’  Hope y’ have yerself a hoot and a holler.”  He waved her through the gate and prepared to interview the next hapless victim. 
                Millraven gave a deep sigh as she finally entered the city of Commodore’s Crossing.  She’d travelled a week to get there, but she had been specifically called by the city council and the reward for the job, the retrieval of the world famous Blue Streak of Commodore Cramden, promised to be the richest she’d ever received in the three years she’d been adventuring.  Filled with relief and eager to start her work she did not think anything of when someone bumped into her.  That is, until the magical alarms she placed on her possessions went off in her head. Her coin purse was currently leaving her vicinity at a good clip, they informed her.
         Her coin purse, besides being the repository of all her current worldly wealth was also where she kept the papers required to legally travel through the kingdom as well as her adventurer’s guild credentials.  “STOP!” she bellowed, “THIEF!” and people turned their heads but did not interfere in the progress of the small boy that was moving through the crowd like a shark through water. Millraven took after the boy herself. If she didn’t get that purse back her adventure would be over before it even began…
                                                                Will Millraven get her coin purse back? Are her adventuring days over? What is the secret of the young thief that took on the heavily armed and armored elf? Find out next week in the next exciting installment of Millraven Finn Izzle, Elf for Hire!