Sunday, May 6, 2012

Millraven Finn Izzle: Elf for Hire! Chapter Four

The Story thus far: After barely being allowed into the city of Commodore’s Crossing the Elf who is also an Elf, Millraven Finn Izzle has been pickpocketed, waylaid, and nearly talked to death. She’s found that the people she was originally going to work for were going to use a powerful magical artifact to take a turn toward the totalitarian, but just as she was about to celebrate the loss she was informed that another,  even more controlling and less tolerant group has taken possession of it…

            “So, if I’m understanding you correctly,” Millraven began, “You want me to go and retrieve the Blue Streak from this other, scarier group and deliver it to you at the same time I avoid the council of ministry who are, by now, wondering where the mercenary they sent for AND their precious magical artifact have gotten to. Right?”
“That would be right.” Merrybelle responded, and again Silas took over for her from there, “It is of the utmost importance that the streak be recovered. The organization that currently possesses it is, shall we say, less than savory and only their ignorance of the language of magic keeps them from using it to fulfill their foolish and evil aims.”
           “Just who are these people?” Millraven asked, “You make ‘em sound like the Knights of the Hill or something.”  Silas swallowed “That is exactly who they are.”   Millraven took a breath and clenched her fist. She felt her nails drive themselves into her palm, nearly drawing blood. She spoke through gritted teeth.
           “I’ll take the job.” She said. Silas looked a little surprised, “You don’t know all the details yet, they’re holed up in a set of ancient ruins set up with traps, monsters, and all the trimmings. “ 
“I don’t care.” Millraven replied, “The Knights of the Hill and I have a score to settle and if I can thwart their aims I will. Being able to rob them of a few members is icing on the cake.”
           “Sounds like this is personal.” Brand Anlace said, “I’ll be going in with you to deal with the traps. I need to know you aren’t going to cost us our lives.” 
Millraven glared down at the Halfling “I’m driven, not stupid.” She responded “I know when to keep my cool.”  
Brand shrugged and looked at his fellow conspirators, “I’m okay with it if you guys are. We can’t wait on this much longer anyway.” He turned to look at Millraven, “However, I see the slightest indication that your feud with the Knights is going to get in the way of grabbing the streak and you can deal with the traps yourself, you dig?”  Millraven nodded and looked grim.
The sun was setting; tomorrow they’d travel to where the Knights of the Hill were keeping the Blue Streak of Commodore Cramden.  She was already tired and not exactly appreciating the way the Halfling rogue was looking at her, as if he were attempting to size up her ability or personality.  She probably shouldn’t have seemed so eager to take the job.  She gave a mental shrug and made her way to an Inn for the night. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
Her day began early. Brand picked her up fresh from breakfast and the two began to shop for supplies. They left town with a week’s worth of provisions each and began the journey to the place the Knights of the Hill were supposedly waiting with the Blue Streak.  Together they gasped as they cleared the fog choked bowl that was Commodore’s Crossing and emerged into the bright sunlight.
Brand walked beside her, keeping up with her pace despite his lack of stature. Millraven studied him, again feeling a bit odd that he was so easy to look at. She sighed at the fact that his face wasn’t pasted on someone taller. She could not help but watch the way he moved with an easy grace and speed that spoke of years of training combined with phenomenal natural talent.  She found herself a bit envious, but also intrigued.
 For the first few miles they walked in silence. Millraven was actually kind of enjoying it, despite the dark and desperate nature of their errand, though she could feel the tension building up in her companion. The question all but visibly hung on the air. She couldn’t do anything but wait for it.  Finally he took a breath and asked.
“So what’s with you and the Knights of the Hill?” he asked, “I mean, they’re jerks and all, but you’ve obviously got something personal built up.” 
Millraven nodded and began to explain, “They took my little sister.  They lynched her for being a half elf, claimed her “human soul” would be ‘Better off that way, without the stain of Elven blood upon it.’”  
“Eep. Ms. Finn Izzle, I’m sorry.” He said, frowning “Guess I put my foot in it huh?”            Millraven shook her head sadly and spoke, “My family and I ignored the warnings.  Sure the Knights of the Hill hate any thinking creature that isn’t a human, and sure they hate human/Elf relationships most of all, but we thought because my step father was the mayor of my home town that they’d leave us alone. One of their greatest goals was the establishment of human self-rule after all and we were the only town with a human at the helm.
 We thought wrong. It was no protection. They came upon us in the night like thieves, them and their effigies of their hanged God of the Hill and they beat my stepfather to the point where he can no longer walk, kidnapped and nearly sold my mother and I to slavers and hung my little sister from a tree. She was 10 years old; young to a human, an infant by the standards of elves and half-elves.  I think they should be wiped from the planet, but because they give to charities and do positive things for pure human families they’re tolerated. Thus, when a chance to legally kick their asses for something comes along I take it. Call me Millraven by the way, please.”
 Brand nodded, “A pleasure, though I wish our meeting could have resulted from better circumstances. We had better slow down here, those ruins are supposed to be right ahead. We need to be prepared before rushing in.” Millraven nodded in agreement and then leaned against a tree, reviewing her spells. Magic was dicey for those who were entirely dedicated to its usage, Millraven had to take extra care with it, making sure her spells were duly memorized and chosen to work with the steel that she wielded alongside of mystic might. One wrong move or improperly spoken word could mean the failure and loss of a spell for the day, or it could mean spell backfire which in the worst case could cost her life.
Brand suddenly reappeared from out of nowhere. He had slipped away so quietly that Millraven hadn’t noticed he’d left. A grim look marred his handsome features. “You’ll want to take a look at this.” He said before leading her to a hill and directing her to hunker down behind some bushes at its crest. The camp was there alright, in that aspect the information the five had received was dead on. However the ruined structures were a lot more heavily guarded than they’d expected and groups of humans, zombies, and other enslaved monsters patrolled the grounds with frightening efficiency.   Even Millraven paled at the sight, but she, like Brand knew that time was limited, they would, eventually get over their distrust of the magical tongue and use the streak to erase any word that had to do with any non-human race in any language.  Once the non-human races lost their titles and words they would become non-entities and thus much easier and justifiable to destroy and humiliate.  
Millraven steeled herself and nodded to Brand. They’d have to be smart, quick, and strong, but that would be no problem for either of them. Now it was only a matter of time, when dusk approached and brought with it darkness, so would they sweep down, ready, if not eager to complete their near suicidal mission.

Will Millraven and Brand recapture the Blue Streak? Will the traps in the ruins overwhelm them?  Will the Knights of the Hill prove to be more formidable than our heroes can imagine? Find out Next week in Chapter Five of Millraven Finn Izzle, Elf for Hire!

1 comment:

  1. Here is where our adventure begins in earnest and Millraven speaks about some of the tragedies that have marked her life thus far.
