Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Millraven Finn Izzle Elf for Hire! Chapter Six

The story thus far: Millraven Finn Izzle and her partner Brand Anlace have been charged with the task of stealing a powerful magical artifact, The Blue Streak of Commodore Cramden from a human supremacist cult who wish to use it to erase all words for any non-human race from existence. Unfortunately the two have been captured by the enemy and are now awaiting the fate handed down to them by their merciless captors. They have separated Brand and Millraven and have begun to torture the Halfling! Now Millraven must escape and rescue her comrade as well.

As Brand was being shown the negative aspects of heat, Millraven had finished taking advantage of one of the more positive aspects, using a spell she’d heated the metal in her cell door to a state of flexibility. She then broke one of the wooden slats from her cot off and used it to create an opening wide enough for her to get through. She was through the hole in a flash and with equal speed she had drawn the guard’s short sword from his belt and run him through the neck with it. She watched in grim satisfaction as the metal blocked the wound and kept the more over dramatic bleeding to a minimum. It also blocked the air passage meaning that whatever air was in the lungs before could not be used to call for help. She stole the guard’s key ring and dagger and was moving down the hall when she heard Brand’s screams. She went a little pale imagining the kind of pain that could trigger such noises from the usually calm Halfling and began jogging toward the noise. She and he were going to do this together, no matter what!

Brand screamed, he could not help it, this was the most pain he’d ever been in his entire adult life and he’d been a part of some gruesome stuff in his time. Sir Bruno, the knight handling Brand’s “interrogation” under the behest of the eagle-faced General Mercer was an expert at using what the general referred to as “Burn Sticks” They resembled the “Hightower Candle” style fireworks that mages used to bring into town when he was a kid, but they burnt much hotter and for much longer. The general had already left the cell and Sir Bruno was not asking any questions, Brand winced as he saw the brute raise his arm again, preparing to further turn his chest into a mass of burnt and bleeding flesh. But then the Knight of the Hill’s eyes bulged out and he made a gurgling noise, a sword point made its way out of his chest from behind.

“Hey there.” Millraven greeted him as she kicked the hulking human off her stolen sword. “You look like garbage.” Brand coughed and managed to dig up a smile “Thanks” he rasped and then passed out. The darkness and absence of pain managed to be pretty comfortable.

Millraven wrapped Brand’s chest in strips of cloth torn from the cleaner parts of Sir Bruno’s Uniform grabbing the officer’s mace as well, just in case and then very gently hoisted the Halfling over her shoulder. He was lighter than she’d thought he’d be.
A stop by the medic’s room yielded a few healing potions, nothing great, but they’d get the job done, after that it was a matter of finding a secluded space. She forced Brand to swallow the potions, watching in satisfaction as his wounds healed leaving only a few scars behind she then slapped the Halfling awake. Already the knights were scrambling the word was beginning to spread through the camp, they were starting to search for the escaped prisoners. She and Brand would have to be quick if they were going to take advantage of the confusion and use it to get their hands on the Blue Streak. It would be the last chance they had.

Will Millraven and Brand be able to make effective use of the confusion? Will they finally get a hold of the Blue Streak of Commodore Cramden? Will they be able to outsmart the Knights of the Hill and get away with the prize? Find out next week in the final chapter of Millraven Finn Izzle: Elf for Hire!

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